Thursday, July 29, 2010


I don't know why I have neglected to post so far this week. I am getting so bad. So, I posted for Monday, let me see if I remember what I did Tuesday.....

I came in for the Morning Cruise and just watched Bill and Carmen do their thing on air. Dave is still on vacation so it was a person show. I really appreciated being their because Carmen and Bill gave me some great advice to take back to school and even after graduation.  It definitely was a great moment and I am thankful for the things that they said to me.  After that touching moment :-), I got to help Mama Mary with the posters for the shoe collection that is happening in the month of August...MAN I wish I was going to be here for that, but  I know it will be amazing because these people are pros.
As time boils down for me to leave, I am sad, but am  going through the motions and cherishing every moment. I've watched everyone do their job and go on with their day and I do feel blessed to be apart of that. It is a scary thought because not only am I wrapping up being here, I am wrapping up my college career and then out into the world I go.  It's scary I mean I was looking at the amount of classes I have left for the entire year and I have seven classes left before I am able to graduate (five this semester and 2 next semester) and I am a bit antsy as to whats next. I mean the economy isn't what it was 5 or even 10 years ago. A majority of people I know are graduating and then working in retail. Am I going to do retail with a bachelors in Broadcast Media? I know  I am being stupid and fearful but it has just been a thought that crossed my mind.  I have  God so I am not afraid or worried. I am so antsy that I am looking at yahoo jobs and for job openings already even though I know I have to start looking next year March/April? I don't know BUT that is it for now. Bye!

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