Friday, July 30, 2010

Thursday Surprise!

So let me tell you that yesterday was something else! I arrived at the studio at 9am and thought that all I would be doing is shadowing The Morning Cruise, BUT little did I know that I was going to be on air! I mean I sat there watching Bill and Carmen doing their thing and  then when a song came on Carmen was like Michelle we're getting ready to talk to you, and I am like ummm huh? haha I was confused but ready. They talked to me about my experience during this internship and about what I have learned, and they just had such kind words. I mean everyone here has been more than great to me and seriously as I said before I wish I could just let them know how much I love each and everyone of them. Like how do you fall in love with people in 3 months actually less than 3 months ? I mean seriously this is love that will last forever, this is not a summer love :-).
After being on the air, all of a sudden the door opened and Mama Mary carried in a box and a pretty bag with ribbons on it. In my head I am just like what's going on? Carmen said that since she wasn't going to be around  to say bye to me she wanted a little celebration of her own, and it was amazing. I was given a pink Vera Bradley bag for school with school accessories in it! And I just want to thank everyone for it! It is so great! There were also cupcakes involved from Carmen's favorite place Cakes by Ron. It was so delicious and so thoughtful :-( <3.  I am appreciative beyond words, beyond tears, even though I babbled like a little baby.  I said bye to her temporarily though, I am going to have lunch with her when she gets back from vacation.  Then Luisa gave me more accessories for my bag so I will always have some joy with me :-)
After crying and eating, and just everything, I helped Luisa and Mary with some things. You see, Carmen is going to Guatemala in September and she is bringing new shoes with her.  So this wonderful man who works with an organization called Beautiful Feet has offered to donate a pair of shoes for every shoes donated up to 12,000 shoes. So he donated 1,000 shoes already just to get us started and that is the project I helped Mary with. I helped her clean out the storage room, and then put the boxes inside. Bill M. helped me and before we knew it we were done!
This Shoe donation is really huge and amazing when you think about it. I mean this actually brings a community of people together for a great cause. I think we forget everyday how fortunate we are. I also we take for granted the things we have. I know I do. I mean we get into this battle of who has the best this or who has the biggest that, we forget that there are a lot of places that can't do that because they don't even have their basic needs; and if they do have their basic needs like water it is dirty, food is moldy and their shelter has holes in it. Yet here we are getting mad because the power went out and we are without TV for three hours, or we are mad because a small part of the meatloaf burned, yet there are children who would eat it still.  I mean these are just my thoughts  at the moment, just because of the turn society has taken. There is just this shallow outlook in todays world that just needs to be eliminated. I didn't mean to go on a rant, but...yea.....Carmen needs new shoes and I pray that she reaches her goal and beyond! That was it for yesterday! Live Laugh Love!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

My First Goodbye

I said my first goodbye yesterday to Crystal and today I get to say bye to Carmen :-( Oy vey the goodbyes are starting. I really can't wrap my head around it right now. I get tired just thinking that in a couple weeks I will be on a plane and in a couple days I won't be setting my alarm anymore.   Boy it is crazy that as I wake up in the mornings, I think in my head that boy I have 3 more days, I have two more days, tomorrow is Friday? I don't know........................

Any who I brought in some great treats for the staff and I am so glad they enjoyed it.  Today was also a day that I got to shadow Dan and let me say wow he works hard. He does voice tracks for many stations and that is exactly what his day is filled with.  So he showed me his techniques (when to insert weather, promoting other shows, etc.) Dan is really funny and was really awesome to show me how to do voice tracks, so thank you Dan!  After shadowing Dan (o and did I mention I also shadowed the Morning Cruise :-) )  I went to the Post office.  The mailman came while I was shadowing Dan and so I missed him. I really wanted the things to be mailed to make it out ASAP so I just took them a block away. It didn't take long and I was glad to do so.
As I said I said bye to Crystal....................................*sigh* let me just leave it at that. :-(. Carmen and Kris helped me do another promo which was great. I like doing promos and this one I got to write myself.  I was proud of myself cause Kris said I did really well for my first time writing a promo for the station.
 It is amazing everything that goes on here. The people, the station, everything.....I know my mind is so random in this post, I am just trying to make sense out of it . It is hard because my mind cannot stop going forward to Monday! UGH! Lol but I am going to take it a day at a time. Jayar also did another bit with me which was cool of him. Cool is like a synonym for Jayar hahahaa. Any who that is about it...I will post about today's surprise later :-)


I don't know why I have neglected to post so far this week. I am getting so bad. So, I posted for Monday, let me see if I remember what I did Tuesday.....

I came in for the Morning Cruise and just watched Bill and Carmen do their thing on air. Dave is still on vacation so it was a person show. I really appreciated being their because Carmen and Bill gave me some great advice to take back to school and even after graduation.  It definitely was a great moment and I am thankful for the things that they said to me.  After that touching moment :-), I got to help Mama Mary with the posters for the shoe collection that is happening in the month of August...MAN I wish I was going to be here for that, but  I know it will be amazing because these people are pros.
As time boils down for me to leave, I am sad, but am  going through the motions and cherishing every moment. I've watched everyone do their job and go on with their day and I do feel blessed to be apart of that. It is a scary thought because not only am I wrapping up being here, I am wrapping up my college career and then out into the world I go.  It's scary I mean I was looking at the amount of classes I have left for the entire year and I have seven classes left before I am able to graduate (five this semester and 2 next semester) and I am a bit antsy as to whats next. I mean the economy isn't what it was 5 or even 10 years ago. A majority of people I know are graduating and then working in retail. Am I going to do retail with a bachelors in Broadcast Media? I know  I am being stupid and fearful but it has just been a thought that crossed my mind.  I have  God so I am not afraid or worried. I am so antsy that I am looking at yahoo jobs and for job openings already even though I know I have to start looking next year March/April? I don't know BUT that is it for now. Bye!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Day in the studio with Jayar

Yesterday was really cool. I got to get the Friday Free For All packages ready for the mailman today. I have never truly explained Friday Free For All and why it is important, well why I think it is important anyway.  Friday Free For All happens,well, every Friday, and it is a chance for listeners to win the free giveaway item of the week. Now the item varies every Friday from tickets to an upcoming concert, Joy FM T-shirts, Cd's from various artists, etc.  The giveaway happens every hour from 6am-6pm and caller number 10 is usually the lucky winner. Now to why I think this important....FF4A is important because it connects people to the station. I mean, a person probably wanted to go to a concert , but wasn't able to afford the tickets or wanted a CD but couldn't afford that either. So FF4A gives them a chance to attend these events free of charge or get a CD from their favorite artist. This is also a way for the listeners to know that The Joy FM enjoys giving. I mean if The Joy FM could give to every single one of its listeners, they would, but now caller 10 every hour will have to do.

Anywho, got off on a little thought bubble, after helping with the FF4A, I got to sit in with Jayar from 3:30pm to 6:30pm and watch him work his magic.  Jayar is a father, husband, and really talented DJ and also just an all around cool guy.  I got to be on- air with him and watch him do his thing, which is seriously amazing. I mean the way he edits breaks and phone calls is crazy! He does it so fast, and believe it or not, without looking. He doesn't have to think about it, he just does it!! After being on air with him, I got to know the real Jayar, and not just Jayar the on air DJ.  I asked him how he got to The Joy FM and his answer was really profound, he looked at me and said "How did I get here? I drove." That's Jayar for you hahaa. After that, however, he gave me his history which is so AMAZING. I think I am interested in his journey here because I can relate to him a lot. Well not in my journey itself, because I am just starting mine, but just his psychology behind it.  His journey is filled with morals and learning experiences that I was happy he shared. I am happy to have gotten to know Jayar, because even though he does come into the studio every day, he has a lot on his plate and so I don't get to actually talk to him besides "Hi, how are you," and the random "brooklyn calls" from him. He was so busy that our first conversation was on the Summer Cruise. Haaha. Jayar is cool though and is constantly thinking about new and interesting things to do on air.  I appreciate him as a person and as a DJ because he thinks out of the box and is really open.  When I say open, I mean that it is really obvious that he loves his family. It is obvious that everyday he walks in faith and that he is able to laugh and have fun with things. Jayar is really unique in his ways. I guess I was really right in the promo I did with Krispy Kreme, Jayar is Jayar! For now, that's all folks! 

Monday, July 26, 2010

Michelle Uncensored: Tellings of My Heart

I seriously do not know how to begin this. Lately, my mind and my heart has been flooded with so many things that I just feel that I needed to do this post (even though I will post about the events of today later). Before coming to my internship today I've just been having so many thoughts.
As the gears in my head start to turn and I look at the calendar I can not believe how fast the time went by. Although I do have this whole week left, and it may be a bit premature for me to write this right now, I just have to get these thoughts out of my system. You know when I think about the things that I had to go through all my life, the bad feelings I have had since I was little because of malicious words towards me; Words that made me feel worthless, talentless, and just down right like nothing, I can never dare say there is no God or God has left me. I have missed out on many opportunities when I was little because of me thinking that I was never capable of doing anything. Being told that I would never finish high school  or amount to anything was a driving force behind many issues in my teenage life, but I overcame it because God was always smiling on me and I graduate from college next May with honors, being on the deans list, and 2 honor society inductions.  I mean I did wake up every morning asking God why he did  make me, just thinking I was a waste of space and time. My teenage years were dark times, but I made it through.
Focusing on my life now. I am here at this internship and living life everyday in God. I am just going to be honest, I forgot that this was an internship a long time ago. I mean I understand that I am getting credit for it,and that it is looked at by my school as a summer class, but to me it is more than that. I have stopped doing this for the grade the first hour I started.  I mean I wish everyone got the chance to just walk into the station and absorb the love that fills the atmosphere. During the time that I have been here, I have been able to overcome many insecurities and fight many past thoughts that have prohibited me from living my life all these years. I have given my all into every task not because of gaining a grade, but just because I love it and it has just been the best time of my life and I say this with all the sincerity in my heart. I love helping and if I am able to help people who help people, WOW!    It has instilled in me peace and understanding,given me patience and has helped me understand love. Love for God, love for myself and love for others. The people that I have been surrounded by illuminate love and have taught me so much. Many of my friends are anxious for school to start and are ready just to get classes going. However, I wish their summer was as fulfilling as mine so they would be able to understand what love is. I have also found out this summer that I really do have a talent and can contribute to things without "messing it up". I still don't know exactly where my talent lies, but I am taking it a day at a time. This summer has been a true blessing in my life, and I am seriously going to help out whenever I can. My heart is just so full. So so full. So full beyond words that the word thank you to each and every one of my teachers here  isn't enough. I wish I could just give everyone here my heart because of how great they are. *sigh*

"Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness." Romans 12:6-8

Well I am going to get back to work, yay Friday free for all mail outs!!!!!!!!!! :-)

A Night with Michelle and Michelle

I love the title of this blog because that is exactly what Saturday night was. It was an awesome night!  I got to spend time with Michelle Tellone. She does a program every Saturday night called light force and is also on air every weeknight for a 7pm-10pm spot. She is a great person and someone who is truly blessed. I got to meet the whole light force team which was great, because they are all amazing people and were really welcoming of me.
Before I go any farther, let me explain exactly what light force is. Light force is a program that targets youth (even though any age group can listen). Michelle brings together two things that she loves in order to help youth, God and rock music.  She plays christian rock, and just gives youth the opportunity to live right and accept God as their saviour.  She has people guarding the phones, ready to pray with people, accept song requests, and even just talk to listeners . Light force is big, and necessary especially in today's world where youth are lost, down and out, and just feel no hope. Michelle is really blessed. She told me her story about how she ended up at the joy FM, and  it was a story that was just powerful and that I could relate to so much.
After talking with Michelle, it was time to go on the air. It was awesome being on the air, but my insecurities set in voice.  This was a question that I asked Michelle about. You see, I could relate to Michelle , because her voice wasn't always the smooth voice that she has now. She told me that her voice was shaky and just not the voice she thought she would go far in radio with. So I asked her how did she work with her voice, and she told me. So I will be trying out exactly what she said. I loved being there on Saturday.  I left about midnight, but I didn't mind because of the love and knowledge I walked away with. :-) Bye for now!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Another Morning with the Morning Cruise and Face book

So time does fly, when you are having fun and learning lessons. I reached at the station around 7:30am and I was able to sit in on The Morning Cruise again which was awesome. I think I am beginning to use the word awesome too much, but how else would I describe such a good time? Even though The Morning Cruise crew was incomplete (Dave has time off, Happy Anniversary by the way!) the entertainment was still going full force. Watching Carmen and Bill this morning just sending their energy through the mics, is amazing.  However, I know that it is also draining for them, because they put their all into their work and family. This is something that I truly admire. I admire it about everyone here. I just love the fact that everyone loves what they do and love each other.
  I dedicated the rest of my day  to helping Carmen with the Morning Cruise Fan Page. When I was finished with it, I was just so happy that she was happy. She was really appreciative and I am glad I could help her. Being around people like Carmen and just everyone here, that is filled with love and grace, it is great and such a blessing.  I mean I came into this not expecting to feel such emotion. I came into this knowing that I would walk away with knowledge, but not with love, maturity, open mindedness and a whole bunch of other things. Like I thought I knew what love was, but I was wrong.  Being here has made me think about love more and know it and have a relationship with it. It is just all so amazing. As the days go on, I'm cherishing every minute here.  <3

Live Laugh Love

P.S. Matthew West called in to the show  today and today was the right day b/c we were playing many of his songs and giving away tickets to his concerts.  It was great to sit in on a phone interview with an artist.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thoughtful Thursday

Today so far has been awesome!!!!! I mean I have been up since 5:45 am and may be a bit delirious, but I don't care because I am having so much fun. I got to sit in on the Morning Cruise doing their thing which was awesome! I got to do a promo with Kris P. Kreme which was hilarious! and  I got to learn just how the morning show prepares and work their magic. Let me just say that radio really isn't just speaking into a mic and playing -songs and promos. It is a bit more technical than that. I had loads of fun, However, on a more serious note, I want to talk about two things mentioned on the morning show and am looking forward to hearing more about.

First was Forgiveness. This morning driving to work Bill was talking about forgiveness and I must say that he is right. It is hard to forgive, but if God can forgive us for all our sins, why can't we forgive our neighbor. I have grown up in a household where forgiveness was a must. I mean things constantly happened that I had to just be upset with for an hour and then forgive the person. I think I got the forgiveness gene because my sister is the opposite. She is someone who can hold a grudge and not really forgive a person once they have crossed her the wrong way. She knows she is like this and is trying not to have this trait, BUT it seriously is hard for her to let go. Bill was talking about us forgiving people, however  I think it is hard for us to admit to ourselves that we need people to forgive us. In order for us to admit this, we would have to admit that we made a mistake, and it is seriously easier for us to say others were wrong, then to admit we were wrong. Many think admitting we were wrong and asking for forgiveness is weakness, it is admitting we are creatures of error and yea that is not happening.  Another point about forgiveness is how absurd some people think it is. I mean, as soon as Bill mentioned the story of the Jewish lady forgiving the concentration camp officer, I remembered another story. I remembered the story of the Amish school shooting. A man, upset about losing his newborn, went to an Amish school in his neighborhood full of children; he told all the boys to leave, and even though some girls survived he took the lives of a few children and then his own. What was the Amish communities response to this? They forgave him! They didn't say one bad thing against him, they went to the home of his wife and talked with her, comforted her and just wished her and her family well . They even attended his funeral. This shocked the nation. The question is why was this such a shock? Why should have the Amish community responded in any other way? Why can't their reaction be what is called normal?

Secondly, Carmen posted a question on facebook about fear. Ha! Fear that is funny just because that is exactly what I have had. I mean we all have it. That is why we buy guard dogs, car alarms, home security systems, etc, fear has run wild in our lives. What is my fear? My fear is a big one, my fear is my tomorrow. I mean I LOVE GOD, I TRUST GOD, and I know that he has a plan for me. I just am use to knowing my next step, whether it be in my personal life, in school, w/e I like to plan. However, how can I plan without knowing God's plan?  Now that I think of it I think I see the problem that I have, and that many people have. What I think happens is that we have a specific plan for our life, that we want God to follow. It's kind of like "Hey God, so this is how I want my life to go, so make it happen, thanks."  However, I think I need to take a backseat and let God do the driving. Let him full fill his plan through me.  I also think that I can say I trust God all I want, but until I believe it and live it, it won't be true. Wow my head hurts, too many profound lessons in one day! Well, until next time! Live Laugh Love <3

A Not So Happy Wednesday

Death. Something that the young ignore and the old prepare for, even though we all know, no matter what age we are, Death strikes at any moment and any time. I don't mean to seem so morbid, gloomy or downright depressed, but it just seemed like yesterday there was a wake-up call. Two deaths happened recently that has brought to light this topic.  One death was in the Joy Fm family. His name was Ben and he collapsed playing Tennis, that evening he was gone. He was in his fifties and not only was he a husband and father, but he was a grandfather, a coworker, a friend and a teacher of the Word of God. Even though everyone knows he has gone to be with Jesus, it is still a shock as to how sudden and unexpected his death was. I mean how many times has he played tennis? What plans did he have after playing tennis, but never got to full fill it? Did he plan to watch a movie with his grandson? a date with his wife? Or even just a quiet evening at home by the pool? I never knew him or even met him, but sitting in the conference room with the whole Joy FM staff, I was blessed enough to get to know a piece of him. Through the stories, the laughs, the tears and everything in between, I was able to feel the legacy he left behind, the love that he has shown to the ones around him, and it was wonderful.
The other death was of a baby. I am not sure how long she was able to experience the world, a few mins? seconds? not at all? but I can't imagine the pain the mother is feeling right now. Especially since that baby was going to be the last piece of her husband that she had left. Her husband was an officer killed in the line of duty two weeks ago.
So what did I gather from this? SERIOUSLY, Death knows no age. Kids die before parents, younger siblings before older siblings, I mean it happens.  I mean my sister sees death everyday, she is a social worker with the elderly and she actually has seen the dying process. Yesterday, after telling me about her day, she explained to me that there are actually not only different stages of dying, but she has seen different kinds of ways people "move on". It is scary, but it is natural. Yesterday, was emotionally draining for me, which is a downside of being a feeler. I pray for both families mentioned, and have really gotten an eye opener. I am not ever going to take life for granted. I mean I feel many people do. We are stuck in this disk skipping routine in which  get up every morning and go to bed each night, somehow "knowing" that we are going to see the sunrise again. We step out each morning with just a wave instead of hugging the person we love and squeezing them tight, thinking that we are going to see them that afternoon.......

*Mend all wrongs, Love Hard, Dance in the Rain....Live Laugh Love..*

Facebook Frenzy

So! Monday I had off and so my first day back was Tuesday. This week started my week with Carmen (see the Song of Thanks post). She was unable to be at the studio in person because her daughter was ill. However, that is why God created man who created the Internet. She emailed me the tasks that she needed me to do. SO, what I basically had to do was transfer photos from The Morning Cruise facebook to files on my computer, because Carmen has been wanting to create a fan page for the morning show in forever, but has never been able to get around to it. So I spent most of the day doing that, which I didn't mind because it is helping the Joy FM connect with people and stay in touch with them. After I was done with that, I began to help Mama Mary. I helped her package the prizes for the Friday Free for All winners.

After the day was done, I had some talk time with Mary, which really helped me unwind and kind of soothe some concerns I had in the back of my mind about life after college. I think that is exactly what people should do, they should talk about everything that is bothering them. Even if you aren't comfortable about letting people know you're worried about something, get out of your comfort zone, because afterwards, it helps. And if you feel like there is no one to talk to, you are wrong, THERE IS GOD! He is always there. So that is what I learned on Tuesday. A post about Wednesday and the huge conversation that it sparked between my sister and I.

Friday, July 16, 2010

O Happy Friday

 So today is Friday and it is slow here in the office. A majority of people are on vacation and the phones ring periodically.  Today, I am just helping Luisa with the phone and hanging out, however, she is teaching me many lessons. I am letting Luisa's wisdom flow into my mind and heart. I know that I do have to read the bible on my own and let God speak to me, however a bit of wisdom from a third party never hurts;  especially since Luisa is really open minded. I have had many judgemental, ignorant, and close minded people speak theology to me, and it has shaped my perception of who God is, which is wrong. I understand now that I have never truly experienced God.  I haven't let Him speak to me, I have let other people speak to me about Him, which is something that has ended. I am experiencing God the way I want to, DIRECTLY.  Though today was a slow day work wise, it has been a blessing mentally. Well , I am off on Monday and I am with Carmen next week. It will be fun. For now, I am going to have an awesome three day weekend. So Bye!

Promotions! Promotions! Promotions! :-)

The more time that passes by, seriously I think the more epiphanies I have. I am learning so much not only in the field, but also about myself. All my life, I have been this timid, shy person lacking a backing bone, and as the hours pass, I feel like I am losing that, and that is a good thing. In life, there is no time to be timid and shy, if you want something you should just go for it. I am also learning to have more confidence in myself and my work. Next thing that I have to learn is that it is OK to mess up. As long as you confess to your mistakes and learn from it, then I believe that it is OK. I mean isn't that what life is, trial and error?

Anyway, yesterday I continued to help Mary, which is something I always love doing. She wasn't in again, but she gave me instructions via email, and I went to work. I started calling the locations that the shoe collection boxes will be located. After calling multiple churches and stores in different cities in FL, I booked and confirmed about 6 out of 9 shoe collection locations. The other places will be getting back to me soon.

The rest of the day, I helped Luisa answer the phones and transfer them. For some reasons the phones were just ringing off the hook. As the day went on, one of the DJ's put me on air. Hahaa thing is I didn't know I was going to be on air, so it was surprising to actually hear myself . He called the station and in his "Brooklyn Accent" hahaa he said " Hey I just moved here from Brooklyn." And so all I said "OK, and  how can I help you." Hahaa long story short he called to speak to Luisa, who I thought was going to be the only one on air, but lo and behold, I was on air too!  It was fun so THANK YOU JAYAR! YOU R-O-C-K!!!  hahaa that was great of you :-)! 
So as the days go on, and the countdown leaves me with two weeks left, I am surprisingly feeling good. I mean I am looking forward to going back to school and graduating on May 21st 2011. I am looking forward to building my own bridges and persevering through life on my own, IN THE REAL WORLD.  I mean everyone here has a story, and God has brought them here not directly, but after many trials and tribulations.  That is why they are able to take their life lessons and pour it into their work.  They all had to build their own bridges, and patch it when they had holes and screws  loose, and I know that is exactly what I have to do. I know and understand this now.  I believe the best lessons learned are the lessons that you really have to push through.  No promises that I am not going to blubber like a baby on my last day, BUT for now I am just enjoying it, enjoying the internship, enjoying the work, enjoying my joy Fm family. Well that is all for this post! Bye

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day w/o Mary

Hey! So today I definitely kept busy. As I said in my last post, Mary and I were working on logistics for the shoe stops which will be in August.  Yesterday, we were looking for shoe stores  in the areas that the stops would be taking place in.  And so today, the first thing  I did (after eating two cookies) was contact each of the locations and give the information on what we wanted to do and see if that is something they would like to be apart of. I had success with 2 out of the 7 locations given to me. Most of the locations had managers that were out, other locations needed permission from "higher ups", SO I guess I have to try again on Monday.

After dealing with that, I was given the task of preparing the packages to be mailed to winners of last Friday's free giveaway. It was fun, but there were a bit of set backs. One setback was that the addresses were wrong on some, so I had to call some people to get the correct addresses. So today became my friend.  Afterwards I realized that there was another issue. We were giving away shirts and Cd's and some people never gave the shirt sizes they wanted and so I had to call them.

While retrieving the shirts from the backroom, I was looking for larges, but couldn't find some (and there were quite a few requests for large) I moved a bit of boxes and lo and behold there were larges, but not enough large envelopes. So I learned to fold the shirts a certain way with the Cd so they could fit in a medium envelope.

Today was an interesting day, and to be honest I was not bored AT ALL. I was definitely busy.  Mary wasn't in but I got everything she asked done,and you know what I am proud of myself.  I think I should, be.  Today made me realize that I never really say that to myself. So self I am proud of you. OK now, with that said I am heading home! Let's see what is in store for tomorrow!  Bye ! 

P.S. I was not complaining, I was just stating my dificulties and successes

Audrey Assad and Cafe Joy

Yesterday I had a long weekend and so getting up early was a bit hard, however it was worth it. When I arrived I began to help Mary because there was an artist in the studio.  The station was putting on an event in which people were able to come to the station and have lunch and watch the artist perform. The artists name was Audrey Assad and she is a new artist.  Not only was she here to perform for a few listeners, but she was also celebrating the release of her new CD entitled, The House You're Building. She Co-hosted the morning show with Dave and Carmen while Bill was still on vacation.

This was a great event and one event that I think Mary seriously out did herself. She turned a space at the office into a small cafe, which was beautiful. I helped Mary bring in stools, bring in the food, set up the food table, and just make sure everything was OK. After everything was all set, our guests began to arrive and since they were early, we had them wait in the conference room. When Audrey was ready, we moved everyone into the "cafe" area and then the show began. She has an AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING voice. Her voice is earthy and soulful and the cafe setting was just right. After her performance and some praise and worship, the guests had lunch, they received Cd's, got the Cd's signed, received T-shirts and then headed on their way.  I can't imagine the amount of planing that had to go into pulling something like that off, right after her vacation.  It was really great and I just want Mary to know how awesome she is to pull something off like that.

After the everyone, including Audrey, was gone, Mary and I broke down the areas and cleaned up.  I then went to help her with the next project, which is collecting shoes for orphans. This year Carmen would be collecting shoes for orphans in Guatemala. Mary and I were starting the logistics for this project  and the lists of tasks that I had to complete for the next day (Today).  O boy, I love helping with promotions and even though it is draining physically and mentally, it is great to see the satisfaction that it brings everyone. My next post ill be about Today's adventures.

Audrey Assad
Carmen Needs Shoes!
Carmen is headed back to Guatemala this year, and MIKESCHAIR is coming with her! She’ll be collecting NEW shoes beginning NOW through August 24. She’d love for your small group to organize a shoe drive within your church. Whichever group collects the most shoes will win a FREE MIKESCHAIR CONCERT for their church!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Last Day w/ Kris

Well, Today was my last day shadowing Kris. I just want to take a moment and say, WOW time flew by.  I have three more weeks here. I remeber when I just started and was learning how to answer the phone hahaha. Now I know about promotions, and audio editing and to be honst, I know more about myself.  Man looking back at it, I remember walking in the front door for my interview.  It is just crazy how time flies. OK, enough of self-reflcting because I don't want to start tearing up. I mean I have three more weeks here, I am going to enjoy it. Three weeks is a long time right?

SO! Today with Kris was cool. He just had some things that he had to do like  "shotguns" for the mornig cruise show. Shotguns are just short comedic liners that are done to promote the morning show.  It was cool to watch Kris do his thing. He had a small list of things to do today and was done around 1:00pm. I did learn a lot from him, whether he believes it or not. Now whenever I hear promos or sweepers or liners on the air (of any radio station) I have an idea of how they are done. Kris is really talented and creative in his work and as I said critcal of his work, which is sometimes a good thing because he knows how he wants his projects to sound/ look and they are great everytime. If I had to describe Kris's persona, I would say that he just has this big brother personality (the good big brother).  Even though it was three days, I walked away with a lot of knowledge.  I really thank him for taking the time to make me see what he does. I also am thankful for him answering my questions, taking my suggestions and giving me ideas that I will definitly use in the future.  So Thank You.
When Kris left, Leslie the Latte Lady did something unexpected. While she was doing a show, she  gave me the oppertunity to be on air.  So I took it! I mean it was only for a split second, BUT it was a great experience anyway!  She asked me how my internship was going and then gave information to listeners about who to contact if they do want to do internships at the Joy fm.  The person to contact would be Karen, who was the wonderful person I contacted earlier this year for an internship. She is such a wonderful person and so I really do need to say a HUGE THANK YOU to her! *sigh* Ok it may not be great to put a sigh in this blog, but that is just how I feel.  I mean if you were surrounded by such wonderful people who have deeply impacted your life, wouldn't you be a little sad too?  BUT, I know all good things have to come to an end, I must spread my wings and fly, and a whole bunch of cliches. But (another cliche to be thrown your way) it is easier said than done!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 2 with Kris

Today was really great! Today I reached the station at 10am , which started day 2 of shadowing Kris, however today I wasn't just shadowing, I WAS HELPING!  OK so let me just say, that for certain reasons from my childhood, I do have issues taking initiative. I am very hesitant to speak up, (which I am getting over) or when I  do speak up I "speak up" softly. When I want to suggest things I kind of walk on eggshells, but I promised myself that I would stop that, because the only way I am going to succeed in life is to be a self starter.

So today Kris did some editing for lightforce radio. He did sweepers, liners, and shorts for lightforce radio which is a radio on air program that targets youth. He asked for my opinion and as usual I was hesitant to give it. However, he pushed me out of my shell and continuously asked my opinion and I was just happy to give suggestions. I am happy that Kris helped me speak up because the end product was awesome!  I mean it still amazes me how much of a master mind he is with editing and audio and everything.  Today was really fun and an awesome day.  He is a great teacher, and as I said before he LOVES what he does.  I just can't believe how fasts his hands move on the computer.  I am excited to see what tomorrow holds!

Though our day was short, I ended up leaving 2 hours after I was suppose to, but it was so worth it. I was talking to Luisa about so many things that if I were to list them all, it would take me forever. I just have to say that Luisa is so great and is someone I can really talk to. I approached her with many of my fears and issues that I have been harboring for a while, because I don't really know who else I could talk to.  Luisa has so much good advice and wisdom that I appreciate. I am happy to have talked to her and get so much off my chest. She is just amazing. Well i'm gonna see what tomorrow holds! Later!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Day with Kris B. AKA Krispy Kreme

OK, so today was my first day back to my internship after my vacation, and it was really cool. A majority of people are on vacation (Dave, Carmen, Bill, Mary, Donna...) So the on air schedule has drifted away from its norm a bit, with Dan doing the morning spots and Leslie doing the afternoon spots and Jayar doing his well .......... regular spots :-) .  SO! I  went in around 10am and went to see what was up with Kris and his chair was empty! Luckly he was in, he was just holding a conversation with the on air talent.  So while he did that I hung out with Leslie for a few seconds and then once Kris came in, I began to shadow him and see all he does for the station.

Let's see what does Kris do? How about Everything! Ok, not everything, but he does A LOT.  If I had to say who Kris B. was, I would say that he was a mastermind with computers and design.  He is the producer for the morning cruise show, he does most of the banners for the joy fm website, he edits the promos that goes on air, he is on air himself both for proms and a radio slot, he writes the promos, and a whole bunch of other things that I know I left out. Once situated, he began to edit some promos that would play on air that same day and continuouisly until the end date (which he sets in the computer). He educated me on the  technical terms, which by the end made my brain start to pulsate, however a few more hours with him and I believe that I could translate half the things he was saying. I watched in amazement how fast his hands moved on the keyboard as he snipped audio clips and edited music under voices. His fingers moved as though the keyboard was a piano and he was Bethoven. I was amazed.  He is seriosly a talented person and from what he told me has come a long way. When he works, one can see that he seriously enjoys his job, and I couldn't help but hope that one day I will feel the same way about my career.  Kris harbors a sense of humor that he is not shy to show and has a laidback personality that he throws into his  job.  He is very meticulous and critical of his own work which I feel is a good thing,  because that means that he has high standards for himself and for the outcome of the projects that he does.
Today,  I was fortunate enough to do a promo that would have gone on air, if I wasn't cursed with such a baby voice. just kidding , God gave me this voice and I am satisfied with it, I just wish it was more mature. So my promo didn't get aired, but it was fun experiencing it all the same.  Kris did so many things today that I don't think I can remember them all. I remember giving a little input when Kris was writing the promos and I am just happy that I could help.  I am just happy that , though he is busy, he took time to answer my questions and just basically make me shadow him.  I wonder what tomorrow holds?  I learned a lot  today and realized that his job takes a lot of creativity and dedication.  I really like this week because Leslie is fabulous and Kris is awesome and together they are just Fawsome! Bye!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Freedom Fest 2010!

Well Independence day came early this Friday with Freedom Fest.  It was a wonderful time and a great experience. I had to be at the station by 1:45pm to leave with Mary by 2pm.  When I arrived at the station I got a call from Mary, asking me to get directions to the Park in Pinellas Park, FL that we were going to. We had packed the van the previous day and let me just say that WOW to pack and unpack a van the way she does year after year, for every event in the grueling sun, Mary is Superwoman!

After I got the directions, Mary arrived at the station and we left.  The ride seemed very short, because Mary is always great company. She is so easy to talk to and to be honest I look at her with a lot of respect. Whether she knows it or not, she has helped me with many difficult questions that I have been facing and it has made my life at this internship very enjoyable.

Before I get ahead of myself, let me explain exactly what Freedom Fest is. Freedom Fest can be described as a huge carnival/BBQ/ Concert/ Christian Fellowship.  This year two great bands were the main event; New World Son And Among the Thirsty.  The bands were great and to be honest I think this concert turned into just an outdoor church service which was so awesome.

 After the car ride, we got to the park and started unloading the van. We had numerous hands too help us because of continuous volunteers like Dave and Melissa, who attend a majority of the Joy FM events. In all set up took about 45 mins.  After we set everything up , it was as if the tables we set up had a magnet because once people saw the logo of  The Joy FM they started gravitating toward us. Once the people came, I started greeting them and having fun, before this ,however, Mary and I went to a picnic table and ate our lunch/dinner.
   I love greeting people and meeting them and hearing their stories. Another thing that I thought was really fulfilling is going around and promoting thejoyfm by handing out fans to everyone.These fans came in handy with the humidity (even though Mr. Sun was no where to be found).  The fans had the Joy Fm Logo on it and lets just say as soon as I started handing them out ,they went like hotcakes at free all you can eat breakfast. WHen everything was over, we packed up and left the venue.  I can not explain how fullfilling Freedom Fest was and how much fun I had. 

We reached the station a little after 11pm and I reached home a little after midnight. I rested up and had a great fourth of July weekend.  For the rest of the week, I am hanging out with Kris, AKA Krispy Kreme.  He is the producer of the Morning Show and on air talent on Saturdays.  For now, I must say Adios!

Friday, July 2, 2010

That Four letter Word and Why it is Needed in the Workplace

So yesterday, I met the President and First Lady of the Joy FM. I went into the office at 10 o'clock and one hour later I began to help get things ready for the lunch meeting at noon. After everything was prepared we waited for the President to arrive, and when he showed up and everyone ate to their stomachs content, the meeting began. The President's name is Jim Campbell and he showed years of experience and wisdom on his face and he illuminated that as he began the meeting. This is another person, though I only met him for a moment, who showed that he had a heart and spirit that belonged to God.
After listening to him for a while, I began to admire and respect him like I admire and respect  the people at the Joy FM. However, this respect was a bit different. I have known many people who become President of a club (in college)  or get elevated to a high position and you know what they do? They wreck havoc, they let titles and positions get to their head and abuse that. I mean it is everywhere, in businesses,  and unfortunately in some churches. However, Mr. Campbell, knowing that he has the position, doesn't use his title to strike fear in his employees. He comes, he has lunch with them, and he is straightforward.  Sitting in the meeting I listened to a majority of what was said, and at the same time, observed everyone in the room. Mr. Campbell explained to everyone that The Joy FM is doing really well ,and that  he just wanted to make sure that everyone knew that; and he also emphasized that everyone in the room was vital to the success of the Joy FM. He also emphasized that, though the Joy FM is doing well, one must never forget the purpose, the reason, THE GOAL, of the station. He was trying to make sure everyone knew why they were doing what they did, he wanted people to know the reason they got up in the morning and drove to the station and spoke into the microphone, or sat at the computer, or answered the phones.  What was the reason?
  A lot of businesses become success driven in a sense that they only focus on ratings, and money, and their paycheck.  However, if you focus on the purpose and reason, all the technical stuff and financial stuff  will  fall into place.  What do I feel is the purpose of The Joy FM? I feel that the purpose of the Joy FM is to teach and minister to people about Jesus and accept Him. It is to give hope to people who know Jesus but their faith is going because they are going through something called a Plan B situation. The Joy FM is  the voice of encouragement, the outlet through which one could celebrate and morn with. It isn't just a radio station, but a community, an extended family that is always there to build up and continually strengthen people. From my little time here, that is what I realize The Joy FM provides. As Luisa and I were speaking after the meeting, one thing that ensures success anywhere is love. Love in the home, Love in the street and Love in the workplace. I am grateful for that love because I am being shown love that I can pass on to people.  We are all human and we have our annoyances but that doesn't mean love is lost.  Sitting in on the meeting yesterday got me thinking a lot, but if I had to sum up what I learned I would say that it would be... in the workplace working together really means working together and not confined to the titles that people carry.  AND when it comes to a business environment Let Love and Let God.  :-)  Tomorrow I will blog about Freedom Fest...but let me leave you with this:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. ....And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.  I Corinthians 13; 4-6 & 13

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day w/ Bryan

So I know I should have updated about my day on Tuesday, but I didn't get a chance to because believe me a drive to Port Richey would knock anyone out. Boy was I tierd. So my day with Bryan was cool. I helped him with counting bands that go around the wrist of people during an event.  It sounds tedious, but you know what someone has to do it. I was taking inventory, I was helping out, and I love being productive.  As time goes by I seriously can't help but think about the rest of my life. Where am I going to end up? What is next for me after college? I want to go to graduate school..............or do I? So many questions and so many fears that are just pulling at me. Wow, I didn't know with an internship comes soul searching and profound self-reflection. Maybe not all internships trigger these kinds of thoughts and muster up these kind of's that deeply impacts your life like this one.
 Well, this is a short one. Later I will post about today, however as for now I am signing off. :-)