Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thoughtful Thursday

Today so far has been awesome!!!!! I mean I have been up since 5:45 am and may be a bit delirious, but I don't care because I am having so much fun. I got to sit in on the Morning Cruise doing their thing which was awesome! I got to do a promo with Kris P. Kreme which was hilarious! and  I got to learn just how the morning show prepares and work their magic. Let me just say that radio really isn't just speaking into a mic and playing -songs and promos. It is a bit more technical than that. I had loads of fun, However, on a more serious note, I want to talk about two things mentioned on the morning show and am looking forward to hearing more about.

First was Forgiveness. This morning driving to work Bill was talking about forgiveness and I must say that he is right. It is hard to forgive, but if God can forgive us for all our sins, why can't we forgive our neighbor. I have grown up in a household where forgiveness was a must. I mean things constantly happened that I had to just be upset with for an hour and then forgive the person. I think I got the forgiveness gene because my sister is the opposite. She is someone who can hold a grudge and not really forgive a person once they have crossed her the wrong way. She knows she is like this and is trying not to have this trait, BUT it seriously is hard for her to let go. Bill was talking about us forgiving people, however  I think it is hard for us to admit to ourselves that we need people to forgive us. In order for us to admit this, we would have to admit that we made a mistake, and it is seriously easier for us to say others were wrong, then to admit we were wrong. Many think admitting we were wrong and asking for forgiveness is weakness, it is admitting we are creatures of error and yea that is not happening.  Another point about forgiveness is how absurd some people think it is. I mean, as soon as Bill mentioned the story of the Jewish lady forgiving the concentration camp officer, I remembered another story. I remembered the story of the Amish school shooting. A man, upset about losing his newborn, went to an Amish school in his neighborhood full of children; he told all the boys to leave, and even though some girls survived he took the lives of a few children and then his own. What was the Amish communities response to this? They forgave him! They didn't say one bad thing against him, they went to the home of his wife and talked with her, comforted her and just wished her and her family well . They even attended his funeral. This shocked the nation. The question is why was this such a shock? Why should have the Amish community responded in any other way? Why can't their reaction be what is called normal?

Secondly, Carmen posted a question on facebook about fear. Ha! Fear that is funny just because that is exactly what I have had. I mean we all have it. That is why we buy guard dogs, car alarms, home security systems, etc, fear has run wild in our lives. What is my fear? My fear is a big one, my fear is my tomorrow. I mean I LOVE GOD, I TRUST GOD, and I know that he has a plan for me. I just am use to knowing my next step, whether it be in my personal life, in school, w/e I like to plan. However, how can I plan without knowing God's plan?  Now that I think of it I think I see the problem that I have, and that many people have. What I think happens is that we have a specific plan for our life, that we want God to follow. It's kind of like "Hey God, so this is how I want my life to go, so make it happen, thanks."  However, I think I need to take a backseat and let God do the driving. Let him full fill his plan through me.  I also think that I can say I trust God all I want, but until I believe it and live it, it won't be true. Wow my head hurts, too many profound lessons in one day! Well, until next time! Live Laugh Love <3

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