Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Not Goodbye, Just See You Later

SO! Monday was the last day of my internship and I must say that I cried like a baby, multiple times.  To be honest the tears started flowing the beginning of the week because just knowing that I wouldn't be making my daily commute to the station and just being around everyone was just not OK. I must say that I have learned so much from every single person, all the same, but different. I learned just how to be me with everyone.
As I have said before, when I got this internship I thought it was just going to be another class, you know? I expected just to go in, be taught something, get my task, and go home. I didn't expect to develop a relationship and learn such profound lessons.

It's funny, because when I look back at my spring semester, I remember panicking as my internship drew close. I was saying things like "O my goodness I don't want to ruin the station." "What if I press the wrong button?" I had  numerous fears and a clueless mindset as to what was in store for me this summer.  Now that it is over, man do I miss it.  Seriously this stopped being an internship a LONG time ago and it just started being life. What I have learned and experienced is beyond words.

I seriously want to say thank you to everyone at TheJoy FM. Thank you for teaching me, being there for me, answering my questions, and just being big brothers, big sisters, moms, and dads, aunts and uncles. Thank you for being family and teaching me love. You have played a significant role in my life and a huge part in my spiritual, personal, and academic growth.  My love for you is  HUGE seriously beyond words.
Monday I had a farewell lunch with part of my family and those who couldn't make it I already said see you later to. As I said before I cried like a baby, which was awkward for the guys, but they did what any guy would do when a female was crying, they cracked jokes, so I was laugh crying hahaa.  Yesterday, It was weird not waking up to the sound of my alarm, and today it's even weirder. I, however, find comfort in the fact that Monday wasn't goodbye. You see goodbyes are forever and these people, my family, are just too important and special for me to say goodbye to . So until I see them again, it is see you later.  <3  Plus there is always facebook! hahahaaa :-)

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