Friday, July 9, 2010

Last Day w/ Kris

Well, Today was my last day shadowing Kris. I just want to take a moment and say, WOW time flew by.  I have three more weeks here. I remeber when I just started and was learning how to answer the phone hahaha. Now I know about promotions, and audio editing and to be honst, I know more about myself.  Man looking back at it, I remember walking in the front door for my interview.  It is just crazy how time flies. OK, enough of self-reflcting because I don't want to start tearing up. I mean I have three more weeks here, I am going to enjoy it. Three weeks is a long time right?

SO! Today with Kris was cool. He just had some things that he had to do like  "shotguns" for the mornig cruise show. Shotguns are just short comedic liners that are done to promote the morning show.  It was cool to watch Kris do his thing. He had a small list of things to do today and was done around 1:00pm. I did learn a lot from him, whether he believes it or not. Now whenever I hear promos or sweepers or liners on the air (of any radio station) I have an idea of how they are done. Kris is really talented and creative in his work and as I said critcal of his work, which is sometimes a good thing because he knows how he wants his projects to sound/ look and they are great everytime. If I had to describe Kris's persona, I would say that he just has this big brother personality (the good big brother).  Even though it was three days, I walked away with a lot of knowledge.  I really thank him for taking the time to make me see what he does. I also am thankful for him answering my questions, taking my suggestions and giving me ideas that I will definitly use in the future.  So Thank You.
When Kris left, Leslie the Latte Lady did something unexpected. While she was doing a show, she  gave me the oppertunity to be on air.  So I took it! I mean it was only for a split second, BUT it was a great experience anyway!  She asked me how my internship was going and then gave information to listeners about who to contact if they do want to do internships at the Joy fm.  The person to contact would be Karen, who was the wonderful person I contacted earlier this year for an internship. She is such a wonderful person and so I really do need to say a HUGE THANK YOU to her! *sigh* Ok it may not be great to put a sigh in this blog, but that is just how I feel.  I mean if you were surrounded by such wonderful people who have deeply impacted your life, wouldn't you be a little sad too?  BUT, I know all good things have to come to an end, I must spread my wings and fly, and a whole bunch of cliches. But (another cliche to be thrown your way) it is easier said than done!

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